$ git clone https://github.com/your username/deltacloud-core.git
Configure remotes
$ cd deltacloud-core $ git remote add upstream https://github.com/deltacloud/deltacloud-core.git $ git fetch upstream
For more details on forking git repositories see: The Official GitHub Help Fork A Repo
$ git checkout -b my branch Coding your changes $ git commit -m "Commit message"
Tip: If there is a JIRA
ticket associated with this work please include the JIRA ID
in the commit message
For example: This change addresses: DTACLOUD-123
This will avoid possible merge conflicts and problems with applying your patches.
$ git checkout master $ git pull
$ git checkout my_work_topic $ git rebase -i master (Tip: You can rename/squash commits at this point) $ git push origin my_work_topic
For more details on using pull requests see: The Official GitHub Help For Using Pull Request
$ git remote add apache https://git-wip-us.apache.org/repos/asf/deltacloud.git $ git fetch apache $ git checkout -b apache apache/master
$ git checkout topic_you_want_to_push $ git rebase -i apache $ git checkout apache $ git merge topic_you_want_to_push $ git push apache refs/heads/apache:master
Tip: To make all pull requests appear in your local GIT repository follow these instructions.
Then to get all pull requests locally issue:
$ git fetch origin
Then to checkout a single pull request directly issue:
$ git checkout pr/NUMBER
instead of issueing:
$ git checkout topic_you_want_to_push